More about . . .

Monday, December 15, 2014


July  2014: Penny’s book has gone to Montlake. I have no idea when I’ll hear back from them.

The RWA National Conference in San Antonio!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Enough Already!

Feb 2014: Okay. I REALLY need to get back to work. REALLY.

Friday, November 28, 2014

What is Normal?

Jan 2014: I return to the US. How can I get back to “normal” after spending such a great Winter Holiday in the UK?

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Best Trip Ever!

End of 2013: London for Christmas and the New Year.

I have LOTS of writing time and see LOTS of sites!

Kensington Palace

Hyde Park’s Winter Wonderland


Trafalgar Square

The Strand

New Year’s Fireworks on the Thames

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


November 2013: The Christmas plans have been made ... 

Now I'm off for a Maui break which gives me time to work on Penny’s book!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Too Much of a Good Thing

October 2013:  Before I return to writing Penny’s book, I need to make plans to revisit London for Christmas. 

I'm really feeling more like a travel agent than an author.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Shhh…. Don’t tell the Girl

Early October 2013: Since I was broadsided with my daughter’s injury/recovery, there has been no progress on Book 5.

 I had intended to have it finished by the time I left for the RWA National Conference. As it turned out, I was lucky I could attend.

I have to get back on track and back to writing. With the departure of my daughter, I’m going to move my office into her room until her return. Shhh…. Nobody tell her.

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Duke Dilemma

September 10, 2013: With being in London I almost forgot…

Book 4: The Duke Dilemma has been released! 

Friday, August 15, 2014


September 2013: We’re doing LOTS of walking…my poor girl’s knee…

but all is well. I manage to fit in a few days here and a few days there of research.

Hanover Square

Almack’s site 

White's Club on St. James St.

and Hatchards!

 To see these things with my own eyes is unbelievable.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Ready or Not

August 2013:  Physical Therapy continues and we make preparations for the trip to London. The school is not happy with the surgery, in truth, neither were we, and they’re asking for a doctor’s release.

We leave at the end of the month. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Longest Month of My Life

End of June 2013: 

Surgery and 3 whole days/24 hours a day of this . . . it didn't look this good

July 2013: Physical Therapy for the knee begins. Hubby stays home to watch over the girl and I fly to Atlanta for the RWA National Conference.

While I’m away I get a picture of my daughter’s first steps! I feel so relieved that she’s making progress.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Good News, Bad News, and Worser News

June 2013:  My son graduates college. The night before we leave my daughter has a freak knee accident that sends her to the ER.

My daughter and I miss the graduation ceremony; hubby attends alone. 

My daughter ends up missing her Grand Tour instead she has knee surgery followed by three months of Physical Therapy.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Move Home

May 2013: My writing has come to a halt. Period.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Planning Ahead

April  2013:  Life intrudes again. One kid graduates college and we plan to move her home. 

She’s taking the Grand Tour of Europe… I’m only a little envious… 

. . . and she will continue her education in London this autumn.

                         Okay. I'm a LOT envious.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Working with a New Publisher

Early March 2013: I started out this month going over what the marketing department did to my 12 page Author Questionnaire. They condensed it into 3 paragraphs. I make my suggestions and send it back.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


End of February 2013: Back to Penny’s book. If I can find it in the pile of papers on my desk.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Writer's Dilemma. . .

Mid February 2013: Edward's book returns for revisions. They're not extensive but the editor tells me the title needs to be changed.

Goodbye The Duke Dilemma, hello . . .


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Back on Track

February 2013:  I remember that I’m working on Penny’s book. I find, and dust off, the binder where I keep my story. 

I reemerge myself into her world and continue.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Holiday Season

End of 2012/Beginning of 2013: Christmas… the New Year zips on by me. 

Family comes in from all areas and the activity leaves me breathless. 

When I’m finally alone I wonder what was it I used to do? Oh yeah... I'm a writer!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Vacation Time

November 2012: Back to Maui! I’m hoping to make progress on Book 4.

Why is it when I’m trying to write one book that a slew of other stories try to worm their way into my brain? I’m a good author and write them all down so they are not forgotten. 

I’m confident that when the time comes to move from the Gentlemen of Worth series I will have more than enough stories, characters, and plots to occupy my time.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Gentlemen of Worth series . . . digital!

October 2012: I learn both A Grand Deception and Perfectly Flawed are released in paperback and Kindle format. 

I’m doing the happy dance!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

No News/News

August 2012: No news on my Gentlemen series. 

I learned An Agreeable Arrangement will be released in paperback and Kindle format in September. I think that's pretty exciting!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Book 4 sent and Return to Book 5

Late July 2012: After the RWA National Conference in Anaheim, California I returned home and send my completed manuscript for Book 4 for publication. What happens next with Montlake Romance…

I’ll return to writing Book 5. That should keep me busy enough.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hanging on to Book 4

Late June 2012: I hold on to my completed manuscript and wait to hear something from my new publisher Montlake Romance.