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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Off to Maui

November 2015: I might as well be sitting in a box working. I rarely stepped outside. I did not make it to the pool or ocean.
Just never mind… back to work.

It’s all about winter in England… I must have a fantastic imagination because I’m sitting in the warm and humidity of Hawaii.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Back to Normal Life

October 2015: Now that I’m back and the clouds have cleared in my head I realize the current book I’m working on that is due in January has to be turned in while I’m away in the UK. 

Hmm . . .  

Then I realize I need to send it before I leave in December. That means it has be finished and ready to go a month early. A month.


Now I realize I really need to push though the story.