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Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Holidays Arrive

December 2010: It’s the release of The Suitor List!

I’m writing like a mad person to get to the end of Book 3. It’s going to be really close. I’m having so much fun with this story. It’s turning out better than I had anticipated back in November. So, so close . . . I can taste the ending!

 I keep having to fix the Barnes and link on my website. They’re having problems keeping a page for The Suitor List. It’s there, then it’s not. Then it’s back!

I’m hoping to finish Book 3 by the end of the year and spend the first few weeks of January 2011 polishing before I send it in.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Homestretch and Status

Late November  2010:  I’ve written past the gap I had earlier and I’m sailing toward the end of the story. 

I’ve updated my website since the library release on The Suitor List was October.  I gave it a “citrus” flavor.  I’m still undecided if I should commit myself to a Blog.

The Thanksgiving holiday stalls my writing progress.  I dive right back into the book after the kids leave.

Perfectly Flawed, Book 2: I still have no word whether the revised manuscript has been accepted.

The Suitor List, Book 1: I’ve decided to print some “series” stickers and apply them myself.  Not much else I can do about it now. 

No use stressing about it. Might as well sit back and have a cuppa . . .